Tuesday, November 26, 2019

December in English Discussion Practice

Dec. 2 - Marriage: For Better or Worse
(Student-guided P&D)
1) review hand out checked HW, collect HW
2) do the Marriage Presentation
3) do group discussion
- use Marriage Lecture Notes Form
- use Marriage Discussion Qs
4) start the Reading Quiz for Marriage

    do the Marriage Reading Quiz
    2) TBD

    Dec. 9 - Parent-Child Relationships
    (Teacher-guided study activities)
    1) review What's My Grade shared document
    do Video Discussion Activity
    - discuss and assign Video Discussion Worksheet for Elefante
    - view video Elefante (2012)
    - discuss and assign Video Discussion Worksheet Five Criteria for Positive Discipline
    - view video Five Criteria for Positive Discipline
    3) prepare Discussion Qs
    - Parent-Child Relationship Discussion Qs
    4) discuss and assign HW for next class

    1) complete worksheet for 
    video Elefante (2012)

    2) read Parent-Child Relationships Reading
    3) prepare to discuss Parent-Child Relationship Discussion Qs

    Dec. 16 Parent-Child Relationships
    (Student-guided P&D)
    1) review Shared Work Record, hand out checked HW, collect HW
    2) do Parent-Child Relationships Presentation
    - use Parent Child Lecture Note Taking Worksheet
    3) do group discussion
    4) distribute the Reading Quiz for Parent-Child Relationships
    5) review HW assignments


      1) complete the Reading Quiz for Parent-Child Relationships
      2) TBD

      Dec. 23 - Cheating on Your Partner
      (Teacher-guided study activities)
      1) review Shared Work Record, collect and distribute HW
      2) do text activities as time permits
      3) assign Cheating on Your Partner Reading
      4) prepare Cheating on Your Partner - Discussion Questions
      6) discuss and assign HW for next class

      1) read Cheating on Your Partner Reading
      2) do Discussion Preparation for Cheating on Your Partner

      Friday, November 1, 2019

      November in English Discussion Practice

      Nov. 4 - Taboo Conversations
      (Student-guided P&D)
      1) review What's My Grade shared document, collect HW
      2) review and assign Taboo Conversation Reading Quiz
      3) do Group Presentation: Taboo Conversation
      4) take notes with Taboo Conversation Lecture Notes Worksheet
      5) do group discussions
      6) do P&D evaluation discussions
        1) do Taboo Conversations Reading Quiz

        Nov. 11 - Not My Type

        (Teacher-guided study activities)
        1) look at What's My Grade shared document
        2) collect Taboo Conversations Reading Quiz, other HW
        3) do study activities for upcoming topic in gokon lines
        4) discuss and assign HW
          1) read the Not My Type Reading
          2) do Discussion Preparation Worksheet

          Nov. 18 - Not My Type
          (Student-guided P&D)
          1) review What's My Grade shared document, collect HW
          2) collect outstanding HW
          3) distribute Not My Type Reading Quiz 
          4) do Group Presentation: Not My Type
          5) do group discussions
          6) review class schedule, discuss juggling the teams and topic schedule
            1) do 
            Not My Type Reading Quiz 

            2) assign Presentation and Reading development for next group

            Nov. 25 - Marriage: For Better or Worse
            (Teacher-guided study activities)
            1) collect HW - Not My Type Reading Quiz

            2) view topic introduction video: Couple Celebrates 81st Anniversary
            3) do Marriage Discussion 1 Worksheet
            4) do selected activities from supplemental text
            5) review and reading: You Married for Better but What about for Worse
            6) discuss and assign HW for next class

            1) read 
            You Married for Better but What about for Worse
            2) do Discussion Preparation Worksheet

            Friday, October 4, 2019

            October in English Discussion Practice

            Oct. 7 Body Self-Image
            (Teacher-guided study activities)
            1) collect CW-HW - Why Do We Lie Reading Quizzes
            2) topic introduction-discussion: Disney Princesses with Realistic Waistlines
            3) do video discussion exercise
            4) do text exercises from Body Self Image Unit
            5) do Draw Your Real VS Ideal Self Image
            6) hand out: "Spring Break": When Poor Body Image Gets You Down
            7) discuss and assign HW
                  1) prepare Discussion Preparation Worksheet
                  2) read "Spring Break": When Poor Body Image Gets You Down

                  Oct. 14 - Body Self-Image
                  (Student-guided P&D)
                  1) discuss and assign Body Self-Image Reading Quiz 
                  2) check preparation for discussion, use Discussion Preparation Worksheet
                  3) do Group Presentation, use Lecture Note Taking: Body Self-Image
                  4) do group discussions, use Discussion Leader Script
                  5) do P&D evaluation discussions
                  1) complete Body Self-Image Reading Quiz
                  2) TBD

                  Oct. 21  - No class meeting - 共立祭

                  Oct. 28 - Taboo Conversations
                  (Teacher-guided study activities)
                  1) collect any outstanding HW
                  2) look at What's My Grade shared document
                  3) do study activities for upcoming topic in gokon lines, p. 4
                  • Discussion (1st page) - pairs talk briefly, note how many are/aren't comfortable with Qs
                  • Language - do according to text instructions
                  • Reading - use Taboo Conversations Activities Worksheet
                  • Discussion (2nd page) - decide who has the right to ask, mark answers on handout
                  4) do lecture listening and note taking with video
                  5) assign HW
                    1) read the assigned Taboo Conversation Reading
                    2) do the Discussion Preparation Worksheet for Taboo Topics
                    3) Taboo Conversation group prepares creates and shares a reading quiz

                    Wednesday, September 18, 2019

                    September in English Discussion

                    Sep. 23 - Telling Lies 
                    (Teacher-guided study activities - example discussion unit)
                    1) do Course Explanation
                    • purpose, goals, activities, grading, class policies
                    2) do text exercises in order (Unit: Telling Lies)
                    4) preview activities/HW for next class
                    • Short Reading: Why do we lie?
                    • Reading Comprehension Quiz: Why do we lie?
                    • Presentation: How to detect lies
                    • Presentation Worksheet: How to detect lies
                    4) form groups for various topics
                    5) discuss and assign HW


                    1) read Why do we lie?
                    2) do Discussion Preparation Worksheet
                    • What types of lies are acceptable? Why? What types are unacceptable? Why?
                    • Can a relationship be improved after one person in the relationship has been caught lying to the other person? 
                    • Can society exist without lying?

                    Sep. 30 - Telling Lies
                    (Teacher-guided study activities - example P&D unit) 
                    1) do Reading Quiz: Why do we lie?
                    • read and discuss quiz questions, check understanding
                    • self grading by students
                    • review reading to confirm corrected answers
                    2) do outlining activity - read as class, work in groups
                    3) do Presentation: How to detect lies
                      4) set schedule for student presentations
                      5) preview activities for next class


                      1) the first group creates and shares
                      2) complete Reading Quiz: Why do we lie?

                      Thursday, January 31, 2019


                      Thank you, everyone. The deadline for our final homework assignment, the Reading Quiz for the Marriage topic, was yesterday, Jan. 29 (Tue).

                      Thank you to everyone who submitted the final homework assignment, and Otsukare-sama deshita to all class members.

                      Have a great spring break!